Saturday, March 20, 2010

Joining Forces

For those artists who haven't submitted their Art Tours application yet, the deadline is April 6th!  This year, like last year, artists will be able to pair up with one or more other artists and show together as one venue.  It is less expensive to show with another artist, and it may also help you have more visitors.  I have done the Art Tours the past two years.  The first year on the tours, I showed by myself.  Last year, I had three other artists show with me.  Not only was it easier and more fun, but I had a lot more traffic throughout the weekend.  I plan to join forces with other artists again this year. 

If you are interested in joining up with another artist (or artists) this year for the tour, but haven't found someone to partner with, you may leave a comment on the blog with your email address or some way for people to contact you.  Please include the kind of work you do (2 dimensional, 3 dimensional, large scale, etc.) and whether you would like to have another artist at your studio, or if you would be willing to come to another studio to show.   You may also send an email to

If you are new to the Art Tours, partnering with other artists is a really good way to get a feel for what the Art Tours are like, without such a large commitment.  Of course, if you really want to show off your studio and art by yourself, we welcome you to do so.  Please don't wait too long to send in your application.  You can mail the application to the MBCAC: PO Box 643, Joshua Tree, CA  92252 or you can deliver it in person to the Donation=Creation Art Store, 61325 Hwy. 62, Ste. F in Joshua Tree.  Once again, the application for the 2010 Art Tours is available online, simply by clicking this link.  Make sure to have it sent in by April 6th

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